Mass Effect M35 Mako

The M35 Mako infantry fighting vehicle was designed for the Systems Alliance’s frigates. It is designed to fulfill the role of rapid deployment that its predecessor, the M29 Grizzly, fell short of accomplishing. Though the interior is cramped, an M35 is small enough to be carried in the cargo bay and easily deployed on virtually any world.


Mass Effect M35 Mako

The M35 Mako infantry fighting vehicle was designed for the Systems Alliance’s frigates. It is designed to fulfill the role of rapid deployment that its predecessor, the M29 Grizzly, fell short of accomplishing. Though the interior is cramped, an M35 is small enough to be carried in the cargo bay and easily deployed on virtually any world.


Mass Effect 2 UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle

The UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle, is a personnel carrier capable of planetary flight and limited FTL travel introduced in Mass Effect 2. The shuttle is used extensively by the Systems Alliance and Cerberus in Mass Effect 3. Download UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle


Mass Effect 2 UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle

The UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle, is a personnel carrier capable of planetary flight and limited FTL travel introduced in Mass Effect 2. The shuttle is used extensively by the Systems Alliance and Cerberus in Mass Effect 3. Download UT-47 Kodiak Drop Shuttle


BioShock 2 Big Sister

The Big Sisters are post-pubescent Little Sisters that have become unstable in Rapture’s environment. Eight years after the events of BioShock, they are charged with maintaining the ecological balance in Rapture. This model is made by Destro2k and you may download it from his deviantart page .


BioShock 2 Big Sister

The Big Sisters are post-pubescent Little Sisters that have become unstable in Rapture’s environment. Eight years after the events of BioShock, they are charged with maintaining the ecological balance in Rapture. This model is made by Destro2k and you may download it from his deviantart page .


TipeDOLL 04 Papercraft

Tipedoll 04 from moekami. Requires 4 sheets of paper . I’m not sure from which anime or game is this model based on Download TipeDOLL 04 Lineas.


TipeDOLL 04 Papercraft

Tipedoll 04 from moekami. Requires 4 sheets of paper . I’m not sure from which anime or game is this model based on Download TipeDOLL 04 Lineas.


Fokkerwolf from Megaman Papercraft

This is fokkerwolf from Megaman video game. I’m not a fan of Megaman so i’m not sure what monster or which chapter it came from but it looks like a great model to built. According to cfsgpapercraft this model difficulty is medium .


Fokkerwolf from Megaman Papercraft

This is fokkerwolf from Megaman video game. I’m not a fan of Megaman so i’m not sure what monster or which chapter it came from but it looks like a great model to built. According to cfsgpapercraft this model difficulty is medium .


Ghostkerchief from Neopets

Ghostkerchief from neopets . We need one cute thing for Halloween don’t we? This guy Looks a lil bit like teruterubozu .


Ghostkerchief from Neopets

Ghostkerchief from neopets . We need one cute thing for Halloween don’t we? This guy Looks a lil bit like teruterubozu .
