FN 1906 Gun Papercraft

Another pocket pistol papercraft for cosplay is here , FN 1906 is used mostly by the Germans back in the WW2
FN 1906 is the smaller version of the Browning 1903 .32 auto pistol. This model is also commonly known as the Vest Pocket model.
There is also another version of this model which is even smaller and it’s called FN Baby Browning. You may see this kind of gun being used a lot in the 1950s-1960s spy movies. And if it was a WW2 movies , there should be some of the SS Army of any German soldier using this type of gun.
FN 1906 Gun Papercraft is easy to make and requires only 1 paper. As usual it comes in .PDO files and requires manual coloring. The scale is 1:1 and usable for cosplay