Okayu and Korone Papercraft (Vtuber)
Alright, that’s enough origami for this week. Let’s switch it up and talk about anime papercraft. Today, I’ve got Okayu and Korone papercraft from Hololive VTubers. They’re known by their nickname, Okakoro.
Have I mentioned that Hololive is what got me really into virtual YouTubers and their content? It’s mainly because of their HoloGTA series. I think those streams are some of the best they’ve had in a while.
Not that their other collaboration games aren’t good, but HoloGTA has a lot of personality. If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d definitely recommend checking out all the HoloGTA series.
For sure, Korone and Okayu had some memorable moments in HoloGTA. Korone’s bakery antics and Okayu’s hentai car workshop were definitely standouts.
Thanks to Okayu, Subaru ended up with that outrageous hentai font stamped on her police car, which was pretty hilarious.
Alright, moving on from HoloGTA. This papercraft was created by a Japanese papercrafter: Suiraku. The model is available in PDF, PDO, and other formats for easy printing and assembly instructions. It even includes a short video tutorial, but it’s best to use PDO Viewer for help with putting it together.