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gundam helmet - Gundam Helmet Paper Model

Gundam Helmet Paper Model

A friend of mine asked me to find him a cosplay helmet for his graduation dinner, so I got him a real life size Gundam Eva helmet . it sized at 400mm wide 323mm deep – A4 size. I can’t find a color version of this so you’d have to color it yourself.
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guady rukia miranda eren - The Third Eren by Miranda

The Third Eren by Miranda

Alright finally Guady Rukia Miranda submitted the third chibi Eren leaving only 27th left before we can unlock 2 more Eren faceplate. Guady submitted her model 2 days ago but I didn’t post it earlier as I waited for her to give me some information. She finally message me last night ; I finish it in three days ( I started on Wednesday) and i make it with paper N? 5 (hoja canson).
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