Peter The Great Boat Papercraft

Today, we have a unique papercraft from Russian history that was used by the tsar. It’s Peter The Great Boat Papercraft.
The Botik Peter the Great is a small wooden boat that Peter the Great used back in the late 1600s to get into shipbuilding and navigation. He built it in 1688 and took it out on the Moskva River, where he learned the ropes of maritime life.
This little boat was a big deal for him because it sparked his push to modernize Russia and create a strong navy. Today, you can check it out at the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg, where it stands as a reminder of Peter’s ambitions to make Russia a seafaring power.
For this type of papercraft, it’s better to use cardboard paper instead of regular 70gsm paper since it won’t crumple as easily.
You could print it on regular paper first and then transfer it to cardstock for added durability.
That’s everything. Have fun building this papercraft, and don’t forget to share the finished product with me.