Sakurai Mina Idol Papercraft

Sakurai Mina is the twin sister of Sakurai Anna which I posted earlier. She is a moe Idol made to promote Minamata city in Japan. Mina is a romantic but boyish girl , her birthdate is 16 January and she’s 17 years old.


Sakurai Mina Idol Papercraft

Sakurai Mina is the twin sister of Sakurai Anna which I posted earlier. She is a moe Idol made to promote Minamata city in Japan. Mina is a romantic but boyish girl , her birthdate is 16 January and she’s 17 years old.


Sakurai Anna Idol Papercraft

Japan does something weird everyday such as this Sakurai Anna, she is actually a Moe mascot character for promoting Minamata city in Japan. Her apps is available on Apple and Android . Anna has a sister called Mina who is blonde, has similar characteristic and hairstyle like Hatsune Miku.


Sakurai Anna Idol Papercraft

Japan does something weird everyday such as this Sakurai Anna, she is actually a Moe mascot character for promoting Minamata city in Japan. Her apps is available on Apple and Android . Anna has a sister called Mina who is blonde, has similar characteristic and hairstyle like Hatsune Miku.


Chibi Himeko Castle Tower Papercraft

I’m not sure if this is a correct translation but from what I understand is that this chibi Himeko Castle Tower papercraft is the mascot of Gametensyu is supposed to be a gaming community and review site Himeko is also the main character of 4koma manga on gametensyu website.


Chibi Himeko Castle Tower Papercraft

I’m not sure if this is a correct translation but from what I understand is that this chibi Himeko Castle Tower papercraft is the mascot of Gametensyu is supposed to be a gaming community and review site Himeko is also the main character of 4koma manga on gametensyu website.


Android Papercraft

Do you own an Android gadget ? I do. From my phone to my tablet they are all Androids!


Android Papercraft

Do you own an Android gadget ? I do. From my phone to my tablet they are all Androids!


Xdriller Tux Papercraft

Tux is one of the main character for an open source game called Xdriller. Xdriller is a portable Puzzle/Arcade video game. Xdriller is based on the gameplay of the Mr.


Xdriller Tux Papercraft

Tux is one of the main character for an open source game called Xdriller. Xdriller is a portable Puzzle/Arcade video game. Xdriller is based on the gameplay of the Mr.


Mittan Yuasas Shoyu Papercraft

Mittan is the mascot of Yuasas Shoyu soy sauce product in Japan. Even though the brand is known for making soy sauce, Mittan represent an orange juice and orange jelly made by the same company. Mittan only requires one sheet of paper to be made.


Mittan Yuasas Shoyu Papercraft

Mittan is the mascot of Yuasas Shoyu soy sauce product in Japan. Even though the brand is known for making soy sauce, Mittan represent an orange juice and orange jelly made by the same company. Mittan only requires one sheet of paper to be made.
