Schleiman the Magnificent Paper Model

This is a monster from the game Dragon Quest by Square Enix. The game is only playable on 3DS. This model requires only 4 piece of paper and designed by punipuniman100 Download Dragon Quest :


Schleiman the Magnificent Paper Model

This is a monster from the game Dragon Quest by Square Enix. The game is only playable on 3DS. This model requires only 4 piece of paper and designed by punipuniman100 Download Dragon Quest :


Subway Master Kudari Papercraft

Subway Master Kudari Papercraft is a game character from Pokemon . He is one of the leaders of the Battle Subway in Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2, along with Ingo. In english version his name is Emmet, and he made his appearances in Pokemon anime Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!


Subway Master Kudari Papercraft

Subway Master Kudari Papercraft is a game character from Pokemon . He is one of the leaders of the Battle Subway in Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2, along with Ingo. In english version his name is Emmet, and he made his appearances in Pokemon anime Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!


Legend of Zelda Octoroks Papercraft

The Octorok is a conventional, octopus-like enemy, that (as its name suggests) attacks by spitting rocks. It has appeared in every Zelda game to date except Twilight Princess and has changed quite dramatically over the course of the series in terms of physicality and coloration. Download Legend of Zelda Octoroks Papercraft


Legend of Zelda Octoroks Papercraft

The Octorok is a conventional, octopus-like enemy, that (as its name suggests) attacks by spitting rocks. It has appeared in every Zelda game to date except Twilight Princess and has changed quite dramatically over the course of the series in terms of physicality and coloration. Download Legend of Zelda Octoroks Papercraft


Flying Spaghetti Monster Papercraft

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the sole deity in the monotheistic religion known as Flying Spaghetti Monsterism (FSMism pronounced ‘effessmisum’). It has widely been accepted as fact that this is the one and only true religion, just as the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true Creator and Overseer. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a jealous deity, He doesn’t punish the worship of other, false gods, but He really wishes you got some sense and worshiped Him, so you can spend eternity in Heaven, near the Stripper Factory and the Beer Volcano.


Flying Spaghetti Monster Papercraft

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the sole deity in the monotheistic religion known as Flying Spaghetti Monsterism (FSMism pronounced ‘effessmisum’). It has widely been accepted as fact that this is the one and only true religion, just as the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true Creator and Overseer. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a jealous deity, He doesn’t punish the worship of other, false gods, but He really wishes you got some sense and worshiped Him, so you can spend eternity in Heaven, near the Stripper Factory and the Beer Volcano.
