Double 0 Gundam – Seven Swords Papercraft


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Gundam Double 0 is the successor unit of Gundam Exia and Gundam Rasiel. It is piloted by Setsuna F. Seiei

The OO’s Gundam gained quite a lot of popularity in the bootleg Gundam industry with their recently PG model coming out. I remember reading bootleg forum and everyone is talking about Daban and Gao Gao’s PG 00 models.

This version of Double 0 Seven Sword papercraft model is designed by Tunua, the instruction comes in .PDO and the templates are in PDF.

So you might wonder what’s the difference between the previous Seven Sword and this new one here? The first version we had in MYP is made by PATM, the model kit PATM made is lesser in quality. The parts has thinner lines and a bit smaller in size.

Tunua’s version has better templates, bigger parts means easier to cut and assembling. The guides too are made in a much easier way to understand with numberings attached to every parts.

Which one is better? In terms of looks they are the same but in term of templates and easy assembling I’d prefers Tunua’s.

Papercraft Templates