Fallout 3 Minigun Papercraft


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The Rockwell made minigun, or CZ53 personal minigun, is the most commonly encountered big gun in the Fallout 3 video game. This minigun is a common weapon in Fallout 3 and can fire a total of about 3,333 rounds.

This Fallout 3 minigun papercraft is scaled at 1:1, meaning you could use it for cosplay or to scare people off. Since it’s life sized, it requires a lot of paper , 37 sheets, to be exact.

It comes in a .pdo file, and the great thing about it is that you’ll need to manually color it. I suggest going with a camo color. This papercraft was unfolded by someone named Guardian, so hats off to you for unfolding this awesome model.

The Fallout 3 PC game is also available for PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles.

Papercraft Templates