Genshin Impact Sangonomiya Kokomi Swimsuit Papercraft


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Sangonomiya Kokomi is one of the playable characters in Genshin Impact, and today we’ve got a papercraft version of her in a swimsuit.

The Sangonomiya Kokomi swimsuit papercraft is designed by a Chinese creator whose name I can’t read, but it’s listed in the template file.

If I remember correctly, Sangonomiya Kokomi was the last character I tried to roll for in Genshin Impact. I didn’t manage to get her, and it actually made me quit the game since I couldn’t get the healer I wanted, haha…

Anyway, this papercraft requires 11 sheets of paper to build, and it comes with a PDO instruction guide. That means you’ll need to download Pepakura Designer and use the built in Pepakura Viewer to see the PDO file.

Papercraft Templates