GTA V – How To Rob a Shop

This is a video I made last night on PS4 it’s how I rob a store located somewhere near Franklin paparazzi’s mission of Princess Beatrice.
I shared a video before on ” How to kill time at the beach ” , this was somewhat done on the same gameplay last night.
The neat thing about PS4 is that it auto records your gameplay in 720p and you could edit it using “Share Factory” app given free by PSN. Share Factory had every normal video editor function in there such as trimming, splitting, add text, cut, delete and so on. Once you done with editing, all your edited videos will be stored inside Share Factory folder. You can check it back in your PS4 library.
You can then choose to share it on FB or Youtube, yes PS4 includes those function.
In the case that you preferred to do stuff on your pc , just hook up your usb drive / flash drive and transfer the videos and you’re good to go.
What if you wanted to do a live show ? Then stream it with Twitch. Sony is really making use of how younger generation these days is all about showing off their gameplay on social media. I gotta be honest that I love all these functions.