Jeep Papercraft


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A 4wd Jeep papercraft that looks like easy to make but wasn’t so. Requires only 2 sheets of paper with japanese assembling guide. Comes in PDF only .

In an unrelated news, I have been poking in some RC hobbies and was in between to buy an RC HSP Brontosorius or Logitech Driving Force GT. Both are not the same species but I was torn between driving simulation and having a RC truck to bash around my yard.

Upon reading a few threads I found out that with brushed motor and Nimh batteries, Bronto would only last 5 mins playing. If you want to play longer than that an upgrade to a brushless version which will cost another $150 is required .

Bronto itself cost about $100 here. In other words Bronto is no longer in my list.

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