Magical Marine Pixel Maritan Anime Papercraft


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Maritan is the protagonist of Magical Marine Pixel Maritan anime cd and books. It main purposes is to teach Japanese how to use American’s English, or perhaps engrish.

The books follow the days of Sergeant Maritan, a Drill Instructor for the U.S. Marines.

In all actuality, Maritan is not American since she is actually a princess from the Magical Kingdom of Paris Island, Japan. Yes it’s Paris but it’s still Japan. It’s just an alias for this animation.

I was told that Magical Marine Pixel Maritan audio books and cd contains a lot of curse words, and that would explain what you will see inside Maritan’s papercraft templates.

Magical Marine Pixel Maritan anime papercraft templates is certainly not suitable for those who is underage. No it does not contain any nudity