MS Girl: RX-78-5 Gundam Girl Papercraft by Nats Caguia


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Today we have a finished scale model by Nats Caguia from Philippines.

Actually it took me 4 months to finish it, it became a part of my therapy, i had my cervical spine operation and i had been paralyzed for 6 months, so its quite long before i finished this model. ill send some pics on how i built this…

Building the head is easy, on the body the hardest part was the chest thruster, i had some problem fixing it.. Right arm and shoulder, those tiny parts that needs to fold and glue are hard. Make it twice for the left arm and shoulder.

The jetpacks is one of the hardest part due to its many tiny parts that i can’t barely hold, especially the tiny thruster.The gatling gun took me a month to finished it. It has so many component to cut and glue together compared to the other parts of the model.

The waist is the easiest, but connecting the legs to the waist is quite tricky.Right knee to below, same level of difficulty with the arms and shoulders, same goes to the left part.

Head details, quite fun to built specially the hair and its accessories.That’s how i built this model, it was hard, really, its quite a challenge, but all in all it was so fun and im happy seeing its completion

Oh I use light gray paper stock, it is supposed to be gray/dark gray/black but im getting a hard time looking for the paper color on our area

Thanks Nats! I wish you a fast recovery 😀

Original model is designed by Romi. If you would like to share your finish model with us please pm me at our fb page or email me at admin [a] mypapercraft . net

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