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1375569909973 - Panda Origami

Panda Origami

Yesterday I watched a show about taking care of Panda in China wildlife care, coincidentally I found this origami soon after and now decided to post it here for you guys. It seems to be an easy enough origami for beginner and it comes with Spanish and English instruction guide. The origami designer for this perfect panda is Akira Yoshizawa .
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olympus pen f e1357799929332 - Olympus Pen-F Papercraft

Olympus Pen-F Papercraft

This Pen F papercraft model is a half-frame single lens reflex camera introduced in 1963 by Olympus. It is designed by the highly respected and quite famous engineer Maitani Yoshihisa, who also has created the Olympus Pen point-and-shoot series, as well as the OM-1 and the Olympus XA. The original model is easily recognized by its big golden gothic letter F engraved to the right on the front plate, where later models sport a selftimer lever.
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