Scooter Vyatka – VP 15OM Papercraft

Hey there, we’re back with another bike series, and today we have the Soviet old-school scooter, the Vyatka VP 150M.
Back in the 70s, my late dad owned a scooter from the Vespa company, I think that was the model name. It was a really cool ride, but I never got the chance to ride it since I wasn’t born yet. I only know it from pictures, but it looked so cool.
I’ve always had a soft spot for scooters, and it’s nice to see they’re in trend again. I don’t have a license yet, but I definitely want to own one someday.
The templates for this scooter come along with a few other models because the files are actually part of a newsletter or magazine from a Russian media outlet, I believe.
Enjoy building it, and feel free to email me the finished picture!