Skyrim’s Dawnguard Helmet Papercraft

Feeling a bit skyrimish ? Wanna try and be one of Skyrim’s Dawnguard knight ? Then this is the thing for you. A cosplay size mask of Dawnguard’s Helm.
The Dawnguard Full Helmet is a piece of heavy armor and part of the Dawnguard Heavy Armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. These helmets are worn by members of the Dawnguard. This piece is granted by Gunmar if the Dawnguard are joined. It may later be bought, along with the other pieces from him.
If the Harkon’s court has been joined, it can only be obtained from various members of the Dawnguard, such as Dawnguard Vampire Hunters and Dawnguard Scouts.
Skyrim is one of the best game made by Bethesda.