HMS Glowworm Destroyer Ship Paper Model

HMS Glowworm Ship is British G Class Destroyer existed during 1935 as one of the nine members of the Greyhound or G Class Destroyers of the 1933 naval program. She was part of the destroyer flotilla of Captain Warburton-Lee, screening for HMS Renown in April 1940. On the night of April 7, 1940 a man had fallen overboard from Glowworm and she turned back for rescue, as the rest of the flotilla raced onward.


HMS Glowworm Destroyer Ship Paper Model

HMS Glowworm Ship is British G Class Destroyer existed during 1935 as one of the nine members of the Greyhound or G Class Destroyers of the 1933 naval program. She was part of the destroyer flotilla of Captain Warburton-Lee, screening for HMS Renown in April 1940. On the night of April 7, 1940 a man had fallen overboard from Glowworm and she turned back for rescue, as the rest of the flotilla raced onward.
