The Third Eren by Miranda

Alright finally Guady Rukia Miranda submitted the third chibi Eren leaving only 27th left before we can unlock 2 more Eren faceplate.
Guady submitted her model 2 days ago but I didn’t post it earlier as I waited for her to give me some information. She finally message me last night ;
I finish it in three days ( I started on Wednesday) and i make it with paper N? 5 (hoja canson). The hardest part was the “equipo de maniobra” (i do not know how to say that in English haha) but the rest was easy : 3
I don’t know what is maniobra either so we’re equal on that 😛
After stalking her FB a little I found out that Guady is from Argentina and she had a model of chibi Eren and Miku as her profile image. You may check it out here
Now now don’t be shy guys, no matter how weird is the lightning in your photos I’d still post it in MYP. However you must remember please take your model photo with a piece of paper with your nickname and preferable too and submit to us by FB or by e-mail admin [at] mypapercraft dot net
p/s : I love how you draw FB icon.