Kagami Hiiragi by Putri

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Putri shared with us her newest model and this time it’s Kagami Hiiragi from Lucky Stars anime. Great choice this is one of my favorite anime 😛

Kagami is the most sane character in Lucky Stars, she’s the serious logical but a bit yandere and is the twin sister of Tsukasa Hiiragi.

Her family owns a shrine and thus the reason why you see her cosplaying a miko outfit.

I have to say that this Kagami model looks way better than your previous model Putri. Nice job although the pic is a bit dark and we can’t see what is written on the paper. Take pics on daylight where light shines in next time kay? 😛

To others that would like to share your models please take your model photo with a piece of paper with your nickname and preferable mypapercraft.net too and submit to us by FB or by e-mail admin [at] mypapercraft dot net .

Download Kagami