LOTR Aragon’s Sword Papercraft


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This is Anduril, the sword that was forged anew for Aragon in Fellowship of The Ring.

Aragon, the Heir of Isildur, and the rightful King of Gondor had a broken sword, a large chip that the Elves think was outdated and need to forged anew so they made him Anduril.

It was re-made in Rivendell, they also included a flashy scabbard with elvish runes spelling for good luck charm. Since Aragon made the previous sword broke in two pieces, supposedly the elven runes will make Anduril tougher and wont break no matter what the user do with it.

Nasty Aragon.. Anyway this model was made by matrixskull from www.imprime-recorta-pega.com. It’s scaled at 1:1 which means usable for cosplay, Halloween will be in time soon ..

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