Spixie Fairy Spring Papercraft


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Another model made by cafetera this time it’s a fairy of spring .

This original character called spixie is made based on a lemon squeeze.. Whatever that means. I saw a lipton lemon tea in the picture so maybe it had something to the taste of lemon too..

Her color and design is also based on Meiji White chocorooms biscuits, it is a mushroom shape chocolate covered chocolate snacks. This one is hard to find, I can only order it from internet. Do you have these snacks in your area?

Model is collaborated between two papercraft designer, Yoshinichi from midorijikano.hariko.com and cafetera himself.

The paper craft requires 9 sheets of paper with 74 piece of parts . Difficulty wise should be around medium-hard.

From the look of it, spixie model is not pose-able, her pose is somewhat flying happily. She seem static and would require something to stand.

Papercraft Templates