Super Robot Wars Valhawk Paper craft


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Valhawk is a mecha in Super Robot Wars anime series and this is a paper craft version of Valhawk.

The Valhawk is a blue-and-white mecha that has the ability to transform from a mecha (“Cross Combat Mode”) to a fighter craft (Air Force Mode). As a fighter, it is capable of operating both in space or in an atmosphere.

 It is the first Original Mecha for Super Robot Wars W. It is a transformable mecha piloted by Kazuma Ardygun and his sister Mihiro Ardygun.

As for the paper craft, the featured picture is non color because it’s just the diagram taken from PDO for assembling/instruction unless you want to color it yourself.

L11620 - Super Robot Wars Valhawk Paper craftL21620 - Super Robot Wars Valhawk Paper craft

The real templates are colored and in JPG files. Thanks Animaniac for making this model and sharing it for free.

paper craft requires 17 sheets of paper to build.