Chibi Tenshi Hinanawi Papercraft


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Tenshi Hinanawi is the final boss for most of the characters in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody . She is also the eldest daughter of the Hinanawi clan that resides in Heaven.

She is a character that causes other trouble for her own fun. Due to the boring life in Heaven of constant drinking and relaxation, Tenshi decides to cause a disaster by gathering the thought energy of everyone in Gensokyo in the form of scarlet clouds, threatening an earthquake. Her true intent is to resolve her boredom by attracting others to resolve the incident.

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody game debuted at Reitaisai 4, with a playable demo available to patrons. A demo was released at C72, and an updated demo was released online on April 29, 2008. The full version was released at Reitaisai 5 on May 25, 2008.

Chibi Tenshi Hinawawi papercraft requires 4 sheets of papers, comes in pdf and jpg. Papercraft designer is ??.

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