Genshin Impact Jean Papercraft


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Hi guys, today we have another Genshin Impact model for your enjoyment. This time, it’s Jean papercraft, courtesy of K.

Jean is one of the first healers in the game, along with her sister, Barbara. She is a wind character who has whirlwind-like attacks whenever she uses her skills and heals with her ultimate.

At first, people were really excited about Jean, but the hype died down once Keqing arrived. As a result, Jean’s popularity has since dwindled.

Anyway, this papercraft doesn’t come with instructions, but it does have numbers to guide you. I can’t help with the assembly, so you’ll have to rely on your wits to put it together. Sorry, guys!

Thanks again K for sharing

Oh, and I’m not sure if the name in the PDF is actually the creator’s name or Jean’s name in the Chinese version of Genshin Impact. It’s written as “Zhe Bue Shi Shou Ban.”

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