HK G36 Rifle Weapon Papercraft


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HK G36 Rifle is my favourite weapon papercraft of this month! This is so cool to cosplay with military uniform or any counter strike terrorist uniform lol.

If you play Counter Strike : Source then you would probably recognize this rifle. However I’m not sure if this rifle is available in other CS version. It’s not exactly the best weapon but I really like this rifle

The templates model comes in 2 version .PDO and PDF. If you want to color it manually then use .PDO version, the PDF version comes in greyish black color, in my opinion the grey color that HK G36 model designer choose is a bit fake but that is my sole opinion.

As usual with weapon papercraft , it is scaled at 1:1 and requires 13 sheets of paper. Assembling is easy, the parts are big and is not difficult. Please dear beloved reader, .PDO files is viewable using Pepakura Viewer.

Papercraft Templates