Girl Und Panzer Sturmgeschutz III Papercraft

If you watch Girl Und Panzer anime , which like its name about girls who drove tankers , Gattonero from has remake his Girl Und Panzer Sturmgeschutz III Papercraft into a more sturdy looking similar to Girl Und Panzer’s anime.
in Girl Und Panzer , Sturmgeschutz III is driven by the Hippo team. A red color armored tank with fancy Japanese flags is actually quite cool and cute looking. It looks cheerfully festival like hanabi event in Japan.
Although I doubt those flags and colorful colors would do any good in real war, perhaps it would hinder them more.
You could see this tank from miles away, no camouflage would do this design any good.
Girl Und Panzer Sturmgeschutz III Papercraft requires only 2 sheets of paper