8 Free Papercraft Mask Template

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In my 12 years of running myPapercraft.net I have collected a lot of papercraft mask templates that is easy, advanced and free to download here on our website. This is my list of 8 Free Papercraft Mask Template.

Please be aware that the majority of these mask templates are inspired by video games. However, I can assure you that they are of high-quality design models.

These 8 mask templates I’ve got are not only simple to assemble but also top-notch, highly sought-after papercraft designs. If you’re looking to leave a lasting impression, this list won’t let you down.

If you want hassle free papercraft mask with no glue or scissor required, then check out this page.

To download just click on each heading.


kabuto mask

I love Japanese culture and when Ghost of Tsushima game first released on PS4, I really wanted to have a Kabuto Mempo Mask just like what Sakai wore in the game.

Just as it appears in the picture, it’s a relatively straightforward mask that even beginners can put together. Plus, with the right choice of colors, it can look quite intimidating.


batman mask template

This is a must have mask for anyone and among the most searched papercraft on internet too. The Batman Mask that we have here is based on the movie Batman Vs Superman.

At first glance, it might seem complicated to construct, but don’t worry, it’s actually simpler than it appears because the parts are quite large and straightforward to put together.


ANONYMOUS Mask template

The Anonymous mask is renowned worldwide as a symbol of revolution. Its origins can be traced back to Guy Fawkes, a prominent figure in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, which aimed to blow up the House of Lords.

Made popular by the movie V for Vendetta, is also an icon for the hacker group called Anonymous. Among the most searched for mask as well and easy to construct.


DT9wo - 8 Free Papercraft Mask Template

You might be familiar with Kakashi from the Naruto series, but if not, Kakashi is the ninja instructor known for having a Sharingan eye on his left side.

Kakashi used to be in Anbu and during his tenure there he uses this mask as his alter persona. This one is preferable the easiest mask we have in this list.


PLAGUE DOCTOR mask template

This mask is in high demand during Halloween and was also quite sought after during the COVID-19 epidemic, perhaps for a bit of sarcastic humor.

At first glance, it might seem simple, and it actually is quite easy to assemble. However, it’s the last mask on the “easy AF” list; the ones that follow require a bit more dedication.


casey jones mask papercraft

Casey Jones is a fictional character in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) franchise. He is known for wearing a distinctive mask.

Casey Jones is a vigilante and a skilled martial artist who takes justice into his own hands, often wielding sports equipment such as hockey sticks and golf clubs as weapons.



This mask is from the game Darksiders II and is called Death Mask.

In the video game “Darksiders II,” Death Mask is a reference to the protagonist and playable character of the game, Death. Death is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and serves as the central character in the game.

8.  respirator mask

respirator mask template

The final model for today, and likely the most challenging of them all, is the Respirator Mask.

Putting this one together is intricate and demands a lot of dedication. Personally, I haven’t completed making it as it’s quite time-consuming for me.

But I’m confident that there are people out there who would take delight in constructing these masks.

End Note

A little tip on making these masks, you need to harden the paper in order to make it a solid wearable for cosplay or for display. Either use a balloon and built the mask around the balloon or you can do that by following our guide on how to harden your papercraft like plastic.

So there you have it, folks. These are my recommended 8 Free Papercraft Mask Templates, available for download on myPapercraft.net, and there’s plenty more to explore.

If you’re keen on exploring more high-quality papercraft options that don’t require scissors or glue and are made of recycled paper, be sure to check this link.

To find other papercraft designs you’re interested in, simply use the search function by clicking on the Search Icon in the navigation menu above.
