Watch Dogs Aiden Pearce Papercraft


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Aiden Pearce here is the main protagonist of the new Watch Dog game by Ubisoft. The game creates a huge scandal with its graphic being lowered on PC and PS3 while looking good on the PS4.

One of the players on internet later found out that Ubisoft has been disabling some function for the pc, when he enable the functions suddenly Watch Dogs looks as stunning as it’s previewed in E3 a year before.

As for Aiden’s character here, he is a hacker that got involved in ctos hacking of Chicago town, his action caused a casualty in his family, he lost his niece in an accident where an assassin was sent to killed him.

To get back at the person that was responsible for his niece’s death, he will hack more ctos and database in order to look for more info and at the same time he will do some side mission to prevent crime before it happened.

To be honest the game felt repetitive just like Ubisoft’s Assassins Creed series. I find it quite boring as Chicago town were hollow compared to Los Santos in Gta V.

The templates of Aiden comes in jpg and pdo. The file is quite big as I am lazy to resize it

Papercraft Templates